Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wonderful Sunday in Paradise

Greetings Everyone
Yesterday afternoon, my sister picked me up and I got to spend the time with my sister, the boys and Natalie and Nina over at my sister's.  Susan made burokes.  Boy, they were so awesome.  It was so nice spending time together as family. 

Today, we all went to Cornerstone in Mililani Mauka.  Pastor Westbrook's sermon was on Brokenness.  Boy, I totally related to what he was saying.  It seemed like so much of my life was what he was talking about.  I just kept nodding my head yes throughout his sermon because what he was saying was so true.  I was so dizzy this morning so I just took it easy today.  Just tired too.

This afternoon we took naps.  Susan drove Natalie, myself and Nina back to the house.  I'm so wiped out.  I don't know why I'm so tired.  I know God has this issue with my iron levels in his plan and I know on the 6th I have the IV serum thing. 

Tonight I saw 60 minutes on how the banks (Wells Fargo, Citi, HSBC, Bank of America etc.) were using this company called .doc to phoney up documents and now the foreclosure documents going through the courts have this Linda Green name on it that have many different signatures with that same name and the notary knew that it wasn't this lady.  It was suppose to be a real search but it was short circuited to make the money.  So now it is leading to more court cases and countersuits.  Not good!

Aloha for tonight!

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